☆2013年までに財政赤字半減、日本は例外 G20首脳宣言
議長国カナダのスティーブン・ハーパー(Stephen Harper)首相は「日本の債務水準は他の先進国に比べて非常に高い上、完全に国内からの債務であるため、日本の目標は少し異なると認識している」とし、「宣言では、日本についてはより大きな許容範囲が与えられた」と述べた。
☆G20 debt targets spell tough times for Britain, Japan
http://news.malaysia.msn.com/business/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4181720The Japanese government meanwhile hopes that stronger growth will allow it to run a primary balance surplus by 2020, likely helped by tax increases.
Overall the G20's developed economies run deficits nearly three times higher than the G20's emerging economies, and reducing long-term debt will also be toughest for the most established economies.
Japan has the highest level of debt held by any G20 country, at a whopping 227 percent of gross domestic product, according to the IMF.
That is almost double the debt held by the next most indebted G20 member, Italy, which has outlays worth almost 119 percent of GDP.
But with around 95 percent of Japan's debt held by domestic investors, officials argue that the low interest Japan enjoys on its borrowing means it is not facing the same risks as other economies.
Although emerging economies are likely to be exempted from the targets, they might not pose too great a difficulty in any case.
☆Japan PM Naoto Kan warns of 'collapse' under debt pile
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/10290933.stmAs more and more Japanese citizens retire in the next few years, they are likely to start selling their government bonds to pay for their retirements.
This means that Japan will need to start borrowing from the rest of the world, and the government may have a hard time convincing foreign lenders to let it borrow at such a low interest rate.