62 名前:地震雷火事名無し(広西チワン族自治区)[sage]
投稿日:2011/08/10(水) 12:00:01.96 ID:4jvF7jkEO [1/2]
73 名前:地震雷火事名無し(東京都)[sage]
投稿日:2011/08/10(水) 20:52:22.06 ID:AeC7ly3R0
>From 1993 to 1995, cataracts (白内障) were markedly more common in the more contaminated territories and among evacuees than in the general population. (ベラルーシ、113頁パラグラフ10)
Incidence of Cataracts (per 1,000) in Belarus Year 1994 Beralus平均=146 Evacuees (避難民)=425
>Individuals from contaminated territories and liquidators had premature involutional and dystrophic changes in the eyes (目の早期初老期及び栄養障害性の変化), development of ocular vascular diseases (眼球血管系疾患), increasing incidence of chorioretinal degeneration (ブドウ膜変性) such as age-dependent macular degeneration (AMD、加齢黄班変性), and benign neoplasm of the eyelids (瞼の良性腫瘍). Central chorioretinal degeneration with clinical symptoms of AMD (AMDの臨床症状を伴う中央ブドウ膜変性) was the most frequently occurring form of delayed retinal pathology (晩発性網膜疾患): 136.5±10.7 per 1,000 in 1993 and 585.7 ± 23.8 per1,000 in 2004. Involutional cataracts (初老期白内障) increased from 294.3±32.0 per 1,000 in 1993 to 766.7± 35.9 per 1,000 in 2004.
>Individuals from contaminated territories and liquidators had a marked decrease in ocular accommodation (眼球調節). (ウクライナ、114頁パラ7)
>In the heavily contaminated territories, among 841 adults examined from 1991 to 1997, retinal pathologies (網膜疾患), involutional cataracts (初老期白内障), chronic conjunctivitis (慢性結膜炎),and vitreous destruction (硝子体破壊) were observed more often than in the less contaminated areas,and cataracts (白内障) were seen in persons younger than 30 years of age, which has never been observed in less contaminated areas. (ウクライナ、114頁パラ8)
>The occurrence of involutional cataracts (初老期白内障) in the contaminated territories increased 2.6-fold from 1993 to 2004: from 294.3 ± 32.0 to766.7 ± 35.9 per 1,000. (ウクライナ、114頁パラ9)
>Among 5,301 evacuees examined, eye pathology was diagnosed in 1,405. One cataract (白内障)
occurred for every four cases of other eye pathologies. (ウクライナ、114頁パラ10)
>More than 52% of 500 surveyed liquidators had retinal vascular abnormalities (網膜血管異常).
>Some 3% of liquidators under 40 years of age had cataracts (白内障), an incidence 47-fold that in a similar age group of the general population; 4.7% had glaucoma(緑内障). (ロシア、115頁パラ4)