117 名前:73(東京都)[sage]
投稿日:2011/08/12(金) 15:25:28.35 ID:al/0wD6A0
>Cataracts (白内障) in children are common in the territories with contamination levels above
15 Ci/km2(ベラルーシ、112頁パラグラフ3)
子供の白内障は555 KBq/m2以上の汚染地域でよくみられる。
>Retinal pathology (網膜疾患) in children in the Khoiniky and Vetka districts, Gomel Province
(4,797 people examined), increased about threefold: from 6 to 17% in the first 3 years after the catastrophe compared to 1985 (ベラルーシ、112頁パラ3)
>Clouding of the lens (水晶体混濁), an early symptom of cataracts (白内障), was found in 24.6% of exposed children compared with 2.9% in controls (ベラルーシ、112頁パラ6)
>Children under 5 years of age who were exposed have more problems with eye accommodation (眼球調節) and more overall eye diseases than controls (ベラルーシ、112頁パラ7。ウクライナも同旨114頁パラ5)
>Crystalline lens opacities (水晶体混濁) occur more frequently in the more radioactive contaminated territories (Table 5.52) and correlate with the level of incorporated Cs-137 (ベラルーシ、112頁パラ13)
TABLE 5.52. Incidence (%) of Opacities in Both Crystalline Lenses (両眼水晶体混濁) among Children Living in Territories with Various Levels of Contamination, 1992
Brest Province 137-377 kBq/m2 (n = 77) 1-5: 57.5%, 6-10: 17.9%; >10: 6.7%
Vitebsk Province 3.7 kBq/m2 (n = 56) 1-5: 60.9%, 6-10: 7.6%, >10: 1.1%
>In 1991 a group of 512 children 7 to 16 years of age from four villages in the Ivankiv District, Kiev Province, was examined. ... Typical lens pathologies (定型水晶体疾患) were detected in 51% of those examined, and the incidence of lens pathology was higher in villages with higher levels of soil contamination. Atypical lens pathologies (非定型水晶体疾患) were observed in 61 children (density of the posterior subcapsular layers, dimness in the form of small spots and points between the posterior capsule and the core, and vacuoles)) and were highly (r = 0.992) correlated with the average and maximum levels of soil contamination. In 1995 the incidence of atypical lens pathologies (非定型水晶体疾患) in the first and second villages (with average soil contamination over 2 Ci/km2) increased significantly to 34.9%. (ウクライナ、112頁パラ13)
非定型水晶体疾患(後嚢下の層の密度、水晶体の後嚢と核の間のツブツブによる視界の暗さ、空胞)は、61名にみられ、土壌の平均汚染度・最高汚染度とに高い相関 (r=0.992) があった。1995年には非定型水晶体疾患の数は、比較的高汚染2村(平均土壌汚染74 KBq/m2以上)において非常に増加し、34.9%となった。