901 名前:地震雷火事名無し(東京都)[sage]
投稿日:2011/08/25(木) 00:42:09.91 ID:qIJLNmKs0 [1/2]
>Children radiated in utero had lower birth weight and more diseases during the first year of life as well as irregularities in their physical development (ウクライナ、ヤブロコフネステレンコ報告45頁パラグラフ3)
>There was a significant rise in preterm deliveries among infants who were exposed to radiation in utero during the first trimester of pregnancy (フィンランド、194頁パラ6)
>For children irradiated in utero, the occurrence of CMs increased significantly (5.52 ± 0.22 vs. 2.95 ±0.18 in controls, p < 0.001) and the spectrum of CMs changed (ウクライナ、128頁パラ5)
子宮内被爆した子供については、先天性奇形(congenital malformations)が非常に増加するとともに(5.52 ± 0.22 件、対照群2.95 ± 0.18 件、 p < 0.001)、奇形種類分布が変化した。
>The number of the small congenital malformations (anomalies of development) correlated with the level of in utero irradiation (ウクライナ、128頁パラ6)
>Stillbirth rates from 1985 to 1990 show significant peaks observed at the end of 1986 and the beginning of 1987 and around September 1988 (Figure 7.4). The second peak in 1988 may have resulted from the consumption of contaminated beef (クロアチア、194頁パラ1)
>In November 1986, there were 457 fewer boys born than expected based on a long-term demographic trend (Perez, 2004). The change occurred among babies who were 7-9 weeks in utero at the time of the catastrophe. (チェコ、102頁パラ3)
Chernobyl blamed for birth drop (April 01, 2004)
>The number of female births that month was normal.
>The standard is 105 boys for every 100 girls, a pattern the Czech population followed every month from 1950 to 1999 - except for November 1986.
950 名前:901(東京都)[sage]
投稿日:2011/08/25(木) 19:09:01.19 ID:qIJLNmKs0 [3/4]
(つづき、各論) 子宮内被爆より胎内被爆の方が一般的かもしれんな。
循環器系>Diseases of the cardiovascular system occurred significantly more often in children irradiated in utero (57.8 vs. 31.8%, p < 0.05) (ウクライナ、63頁パラ3)
遺伝子>The level of chromosomal aberrations among children radiated in utero was significantly higher than in children who were born longer after the meltdown (ロシア、68頁パラ1)
生殖能力>Some 32% of girls irradiated in utero became infertile (10.5% among controls; p <0.05) owing to
damage to the endocrine system (ウクライナ、80頁パラ2)
胎内被曝した女児の32%は、内分泌系の損傷により不妊となった(対照群は10.5%、p <0.05)。
免疫系>Immune deficiency was seen in 43.5% of children radiated in utero (vs. 28.0% in the control group;
P <0.05) within the first 2 years after the catastrophe (ウクライナ、89頁パラ1)
事故後の2年間において、免疫不全が胎内被爆した子供43.5%にみられた(対照群28.0%、p <0.05)。
神経系>Children irradiated in utero have more nervous system illnesses and mental disorders (Igumnov et
al., 2004; Table 5.45). (ウクライナ、106頁パラ5)
胎内被爆した子供には、神経系の病気や精神障害が多い(Tabel 5.45)。
神経系(知能)>SWEDEN. A comprehensive analysis of a data set of 562,637 Swedes born from 1983 to
1988 revealed that the cohort in utero during the catastrophe had poorer school outcomes than those born
shortly before and shortly after this period. This impairment was greatest for those exposed 8 to 25
weeks postconception. Moreover, more damage was found among students born in regions that received
more fallout; students from the eight most affected municipalities were significantly (3.6 percentage
points) less likely to qualify for high school (スウェーデン、112頁パラ3)
消火器系>Children irradiated in utero had significantly higher incidence of gastrointestinal tract pathology
than controls.18.9 vs. 8.9% (ウクライナ、117頁パラ6)
白血病>GREECE. Infants born between July 1, 1986, and December 31, 1987, and exposed to Chernobyl
fallout in utero had 2.6 times the incidence of leukemia compared to children born between January 1,
1980, and December 31, 1985, and between January 1, 1988, and December 31, 1990.
![]() 【送料無料】「エビオス錠 2000錠」栄養豊富なビール酵母の働きで、食欲不振・胃弱など胃腸の症... |