729 名前:地震雷火事名無し(栃木県)[]
投稿日:2011/10/05(水) 23:55:56.28 ID:fHsv4Qcz0
http://www.strahlentelex.de/Yablokov%20Chernobyl%20book.pdf5.8. 神経系の疾患や感覚器官と精神的健康に及ぼす影響. p104
Thirty-plus years ago, the nervous system was considered the system most resistant to ionizing radiation,
but this is apparently true only in respect to large doses (see , c.g. Gus'kova and Baisogolov, 1971).
30年以上前に、神経系は、電離放射線へのシステムが最も耐性と考えられ、これが唯一の大量投与に関して、明らかに真であるとされました(参照、例:Gus'kova and Baisogolov, 1971)。
Accordingly, the report of the Chernobyl Forum(2005) attributed all neurological illnesses, increased levels of depression ,
and mental problems to posttraumatic stress(Havenaar, 1996; Havenaar et al, 1997ab).
Since the Chernobyl catastrophe it is clear that low doses and low dose rates of radiation have enormous impact on the fine structures of the nervous system,
on higher nervous system activities, and ocular structures, as well as on neuropsychiatric disorders that are widespread in all the contaminated territories.
There is a growing body of evidence supporting radiosensitivity of the brain(Nyagu and Loganovsky , 1998).
脳の放射線感受性サポートすることを示す成長中の身体があります。 結論. p112
Clearly, the existing radiation levels in the contaminated territories
have harmed the central nervous system of countless people.
For many inhabitants of the contaminated territories, especially persons
that were radiated in uitero and liquidators, nervous system function, attention span,
operative thinking, and dreaming, are deteriorating.
'--- in uitero → In utero と意訳 ---
These conditions are associated with deep cerebral hemispheric damage:
diencephalic areas, deep frontal , and temporal lobes,
and occipitoparietal parts of the cerebral hemisphere.