・アフガン現政権は腐敗していて、カルザイ(Hamid Karzai)大統領は無能である。米欧は幻滅している。
・米国は、開明的な人物であるムハンマド・アトマル(Mohammed Hanif Atmar)内務大臣を高く評価している。
☆US will appoint Afghan 'prime minister' to bypass Hamid Karzai (英国の高級紙「ガーディアン」)
The US and its European allies are preparing to plant a high-profile figure in the heart of the Kabul government in a direct challenge to the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, the Guardian has learned.
No names have emerged for the new role but the US holds in high regard the reformist interior minister appointed in October, Mohammed Hanif Atmar.
The risk for the US is that the imposition of a technocrat alongside Karzai would be viewed as colonialism, even though that figure would be an Afghan. Karzai declared his intention last week to resist a dilution of his power. Last week he accused an unnamed foreign government of trying to weaken central government in Kabul.
"That is not their job," the Afghan president said. "Afghanistan will never be a puppet state."