GOJ welcomes Anti-Counterfeiting Agreement
3. (SBU) Japanese officials were unanimously enthusiastic in their support for USTR's proposed Anti-Counterfeiting agreement. They were surprised, but happy that the United States had responded with a strong counter-proposal. (Japanese officials admitted in the meetings that, up to now, only France had responded with enthusiasm to their earlier anti-counterfeiting treaty idea.) They promised to study the proposal further and send questions via the Japanese Embassy in Washington. Tadaatsu Mohri, Principal Deputy Director of MOFA's International Trade Division, said the GOJ had wanted to continue to raise the issue within the G-8
where Prime Minister Koizumi had proposed it, but was willing to listen to U.S. arguments about why it should be a freestanding agreement.
Japanese officials had hoped to use the expertise of the OECD staff to help them in drafting and negotiating an anti-counterfeiting treaty, but seemed reassured when McCoy assured them that USTR probably had sufficient expertise in the area that it was not necessary to enlist the OECD or another international organization.
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