投稿日:2011/07/28(木) 01:00:20.72 ID:oqFxRDR00
158 名前:地震雷火事名無し(東京都)[sage]
投稿日:2011/07/28(木) 03:10:03.18 ID:YNe2sFXz0
>Soon after the catastrophe the majority of fertile women from the contaminated territories developed menstrual disorders. (ベラルーシ、97頁右)
>Menstrual cycle disorders are commonly diagnosed in the contaminated territories. (ウクライナ、98頁左)
>Among 1,017 female children of evacuees (aged 8 to 18 years) examined after the catastrophe,11% had delayed sexual development (underdevelopment of secondary sex characteristics,uterine hypoplasia, and late menarche), and 14% had disturbed menstrual function (98頁右、ウクライナ)
>The number of menstrual disorders in the contaminated territories tripled compared with the pre-catastrophe period. In the first years after the catastrophe there was heavier menstruation,and after 5 to 6 years menstruation decreased or stopped. (ウクライナ、98頁左)
>In all of the contaminated territories, there is a marked increase in nonmalignant thyroid diseases (Gofman, 1994; Dedov and Dedov, 1996). Associated illnesses include: delayed healing of wounds and
ulcers, delay in growth of hair, dryness, fragility, hair loss, increased susceptibility to respiratory infections,night blindness, frequent dizziness, ringing in the ears, headaches, fatigue and lack of energy,lack of appetite (anorexia), delayed growth in children, male impotence,
increased bleeding (including menstrual menorrhagia)(月経過多を含む出血の増加),
lack of gastric hydrochloric acid (achlorhydria), and mild anemia. (83頁左)
>Therewas a correlation between the level of incorporated Cs-137 and prolactin concentration in the serum of young women continuing to live in an area with radioactive contamination
of 1.5 Ci/km2 (Gomel City) during the first and second phases of their menstrual cycles, as well as a correlation between levels of incorporated Cs-137 and progesterone concentrations during the second menstrual cycle phase (ベラルーシ、79頁右)
【送料無料】「エビオス錠 2000錠」栄養豊富なビール酵母の働きで、食欲不振・胃弱など胃腸の症... |