According to campaigners the government used 2.28 billion yen (£19m/US$30m) from the earthquake recovery fund, on top of its existing $6m annual subsidy, to pay for this year's hunt.
☆Japan uses $28.5m in disaster funds for whaling: claim
The government recently gave the whalers 2.28 billion yen ($28.5 million) as part of a special budget for recovery from the March 11 triple disaster. Mr Kaz Inadome from the Japanese Consulate said no money from the disaster relief funds collected in Australia had been used. All that money had gone to the Red Cross in Japan.
「エコノミスト」誌 12月10日
Japan’s response to reports that donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami are being used to fund Scientific Whaling Research
1.我が国の鯨類捕獲調査の実施に要する費用には、東日本大 震災に対する寄付金は一切使用されておりません。
None of the donations made in support of relief and recovery efforts from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami have been used or will be used to fund Japan's Scientific Whaling Research Program.
2.東日本大震災に対して豪州国民の皆様から寄せられた温か い支援にあらためて深く感謝するとともに、いただいた寄付金は被災地の人々の生活の復興に確実に役立たせて頂いていることをお伝えさせて頂きます。
We sincerely appreciate the warm support we have received from the Australian public in relation to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Therefore, we hereby confirm that donations from the Australian public are only being used to rebuild people’s lives in the devastated areas and for no other purposes.
【送料無料】 DVD/国内TVドラマ/雑居時代 DVD-BOX1/PIBD-7260 |